Divorce With Children

Divorce is a difficult process and can be very lonely and isolating. Most likely all your friends are married and busy with their family lives. They may have experienced frustration with their partner and maybe their marriages are not happy, but they keep going. This probably makes you feel even more isolated and with no one to talk to. Depending on whether you are the one who initiated the break or not you will be dealing with very different feelings. You will be trying to keep your children's lives as normal as possible while going through intense conversations and struggles with your ex. You will have to make decisions regarding financial agreements, childcare arrangements and start building a new future for yourself while also dealing with all the emotional ups and downs this process creates. 

As a divorce and relationship coach I specialise in working with men and women going through this difficult transition. Having first hand experience and having worked with hundreds of individuals I understand perfectly what you are going through. Every situation is unique and no divorce is alike. As your coach I will be at your side throughout the process and work with you to make sure you have all the tools and support you need in order to navigate this exhausting transition in the best possible way.  Book a free call to find out more and discuss any questions you might have.

Divorce without children

Not having children in the mix can feel like this should be easy but too often it is not. Emotions can run deep and people don’t typically show up as their best self in the difficult circumstances surrounding a divorce. It is a gradual process to accept the changes in ones life, - whether you initiated them or not, and build a new life. Many feelings of past hurts will arise, sometimes trauma surfaces and all that can get in the way of finding productive solutions and moving on as a person. It is important during this time to have someone impartial to check in with, receive feedback and work through the issues as they come up. 

As a divorce and relationship coach am specialized in working with men and women and helping them navigate this difficult time in their life. Having first hand experience and having worked with hundreds of individuals I understand perfectly what you are going through. Every situation is unique and no divorce is alike. As your coach I will be by your side throughout the process and work with you to make sure you have the tools and support you need in order to move through this exhausting transition in the best possible way. Book a free call to find out more and discuss any questions you might have.

Start again after divorce

And now what? That might be one of the first questions you ask yourself once the dust settles. You have finalized your divorce and each party is now trying to move on living their separate lives. If you have children you will still be communicating with your ex and depending on the child/children's age this will continue for some time. You will also be looking to maybe build a new relationship with someone or simply find your footing and rebuild your life for yourself and your child/children. It is really important to not rush into any of these ventures. Take your time to reflect on the past. You will need to build a new relationship with your ex where you both co parent and deal with possible new partners and new lifestyles etc. If you are looking for a new romantic relationship you will want to make sure you don’t end up in the same situation as previously etc. For all of your new ventures it is paramount to understand what got you into the previous situation and really understand those issues. To heal. To reflect. To rebuild. This is an important time of self reflection and healing and it will set you on course for the future you want. 

Change takes time. And consistent change needs accountability. I provide both. My 2 month program is designed to move you through the different stages and slowly rebuild your life on strong new foundations. Together we will explore all the different aspects and I will help you build healthy new patterns to replace the old dysfunctional ones. This is an amazing opportunity to reset your life and build a future where you can express your full potential and feel loved and cared for. Book a free call to find out more and discuss any questions you might have.

Official member of the International Coaching Federation with more than 200 hours of experience with a variety of clients.

I hold a degree from Chester University in Business and Personal Coaching as well as a certificate from Barefoot Coaching Ltd.

Trained facilitator for the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method.

Certificate Understanding Trauma, The Gestalt Center

For more information please contact me:

tel: + 44 (0) 7493080860
